3 Reasons Why You Should Try Watsu Massage

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Watsu Massage or Hydrotherapy is on a steep rise due to its holistic benefits that rejuvenate not only the body, but also one’s emotional and mental being. Considered a high form of self-care, Watsu creates a very personal and intimate experience. The therapy is customized based on a person’s needs – it can focus on physiological effects like stretching and tension relief, but it can also provide a meditative experience, a way to disconnect and renew oneself. 

Watsu happens in a hot tub or heated pool. It’s referred to as passive hydrotherapy because you do not actively perform rigorous movements. Your therapist drives this entire experience as your body is gently moved in the water in specific motions such as gentle twisting, cradling, stretching, and massaging of pressure points.

What exactly are the benefits of Watsu massage therapy?

It helps decrease pain 

Similar to other kinds of massage therapies, Watsu also has a positive association with pain relief. What makes this a good approach is the effect of water on pain receptors. The pressure and viscosity of water reduce the stimulation of these receptors which lowers pain. Being in the water also decreases the gravitational force on the muscles which encourages muscle relaxation, ultimately leading to lower pain levels. Watsu can relieve the following:

  • Low back pain
  • Back and neck pain
  • Chronic pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Pregnancy discomforts

It significantly reduces anxiety

Pain is constantly related to anxiety. The more pain you experience, the more anxious you’ll feel. But also the more anxious you become, the more pronounced pain you’ll experience. They feed off each other to heighten their negative effects. Watsu massage is really effective in alleviating anxiety because hydrotherapy helps people experience an “emotional release.” This, combined with pain relief, can improve a person’s mood. Some anxiety-related conditions that can be improved are the following:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Anxiety 
  • Depression
  • Chronic stress
  • Sleep disorders
  • Mood disorders

It improves joint mobility

Watsu has been proven to help improve joint range of motion. The passive approach of this hydrotherapy has been effective in providing relief to joint-related injuries and conditions such as:

  • Arthritis
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Injury rehabilitation

As mentioned, Watsu is a very flexible form of therapy that targets different areas depending on a person’s state.

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