By: Pure Knead Massage
Pure Knead Massage knows the holidays are a wonderful time of the year filled with family, friends, and celebration. There is a special feeling in the air as we spend time enjoying our loved ones, reflecting on the past year, and looking forward to the next. Now that the holidays have passed, you may be considering the methods that really served you this past year, and looking at the things that could use some improvement.
Rather than feeling pressured to make drastic changes immediately, Pure Knead Massage has some tips and tricks for setting your goals and sticking to them. This will help you get on track, and stay on track, long past the resolutioners!
Setting Your Goals– Whether it’s a financial goal, weight loss, weight management, or better overall performance, set your goal with how that looks for you. It helps if you have a tangible goal set in mind, like being fit enough to compete in a race, or feeling great in your new body for a vacation this summer. These tangible end-points can help serve as a reminder of the bigger picture. Rewarding yourself with things you’ve worked for, like a massage, or a new bathing suit, can act as a huge motivator to follow through with your resolutions. Visualize how you would like to look and feel in that setting, and how rewarding it will be to know your hard work can get you to this place.
Accountability– Once you’ve set those goals, tell someone! Write them down and post them wherever you can see them everyday. This will serve as a constant reminder in times you may be forgetting the bigger picture. Another way to remain accountable is to exchange goals and resolutions with a trusted friend. They can hold you accountable and encourage you to stick to your goals! For example, knowing you have someone counting on you to show up is more incentive to workout. Plus, it’s fun having a workout buddy!
Invest in Yourself– This can be monetary or not, but consider all the monetary investments you made on goods for your friends and family this holiday season. Put that much consideration and effort into investing in yourself and you will be set! For weight loss/management goals, consider investing in nice workout clothes that make you feel and look great! Invest in weekly yoga classes that will help you stay disciplined, flexible, and healthy. Most importantly, invest in your recovery. Massage therapy is an excellent tool many people use to enhance muscle growth, speed up recovery time, and prevent injury. Massage is also a great reward for all the hard work, effort, and time you put into your body.
Prepare– One of the keys to success with your goals is preparing for any potential roadblocks you may encounter along the road. Pure Knead Massage knows that one of the hardest things to resist during the winter months is the treats! Beginning at Halloween and ending around Valentine’s Day, you are bombarded with candies, goodies, and meals meant to feed a king! While you may love these things, they wreak havoc on your waistline and eventually lead to wintertime blues. Prepare yourself by having healthy snacks and meals set up during times of weakness. Stock your office with nuts and fruits, and if you’re going to a holiday party where you know there will be fattening foods, eat a well balanced meal before you arrive. This ensures you won’t overeat and pay for it later. Remember to also stay hydrated! Drinking plenty of water will not only help flush your system of toxins and fats, but it will help prevent overeating or deadly sugar cravings.
Moderation– Setting goals for yourself sometimes means cutting out the things that you love and have become accustomed to. In this case, quitting cold turkey may lead to destruction. Use moderation with any indulgence you partake in. For example, the key to any good diet is moderation. Cutting out all your favorite snacks and meals, especially around the holidays, would be torture! Pure Knead Massage knows that keeping yourself from these things is generally a recipe for disaster. If there is a specific dish you can’t resist, split it with a friend, or make sure your portion is controlled. This allows you to partake in the simple joys of life while still maintaining the goals and commitments you have made to yourself.
Over at Pure Knead Massage, we are all about setting goals and going after them! We know that new year’s resolutions are so hard to maintain long-term because the glamour of the goals wear off and old habits die hard. This year, make a lasting commitment to yourself to gear towards a healthier lifestyle, not just a diet. Plan, prepare, perform!