Lavender is an amazing essential oil that helps not only calm us, but our pets as well. It will help to ease all forms of anxiety, sound sensitivity, and separation issues.
- 10 drops of Lavender essential oil
- ½ oz jojoba oil
Mix well. Have your pet smell the oil first. Add a few drops to your hands and apply along the spine of your pet to help calm them.
Avoid open wounds, eyes, ears, or any sensitive part of the body. Always let the dog smell the oils first and start with a small amount. Be aware that some dogs may not like certain oils. Their sense of smell is much stronger than ours. If you find your dog turning away or avoiding you when your applying the oil this may be a sign that they do not care for the smell. Add more jojoba oil to dilute the smell. If they continue to turn away, discontinue use.
Use this any time your pet displays anxiety to help calm them.